When you choose a web hosting company to host your site, you prepare yourself for a lot of challenges. The biggest of names in the online marketplace have often encountered weird hosting problems that have cost their business dearly. There are a few common mistakes that many of us end up making without really realising how much it can affect our business.
If your website has been down for several days, it’s time to press the panic button. No dependable web hosting company will host websites without a contingency plan in place, especially for extended outages. And, if that’s not the case, it is definitely not a professional company and you are in for trouble. You might even have seen companies complaining of having their websites offline for more than two weeks and not even getting refunds for services that are badly affected! Imagine the prospective business they are losing out on. If you happen to be stuck in a similar situation, do not wait to take action. Switch hosts straight away and find a cheap web hosting alternative for your site.
Not having backups is a very common mistake that lot of companies make. Do not be completely dependent on your web hosting provider. Instead, make sure you back up your website data regularly to your own PC, or maybe even to another server or location other than your host's server. There is a huge possibility that your host is not taking regular backups of your site. Or, its own servers might go down any day. In fact, for that matter, the company may go bankrupt! What will you do then? It is better to protect your data yourself. You must backup remotely to at least one other reliable independent location on a regular basis.
Ideally, go for a monthly cheap web hosting rental plan, instead of an advance annual payment. You could end up losing your money if the host goes down. Or, say after five months, you are not happy with their service, you might have to stick with them because many of them simply refuse to refund the balance. Pay for your hosting by the month, and do it using a credit card or PayPal so you have some form of protection.
Just finding a good and cheap web hosting company is not the solution to your hosting problems. Even the smartest and most experienced webmasters fall prey to a web host whose services suddenly go bust. Hosting itself is a risky, expensive and complex business, so the companies involved in hosting - just like any other business - can experience ups and downs. You should undertake some extensive research and try to find companies that are reliable and well-known in the website hosting domain. For example, when it comes to hosting services in Australia, Linux Web Host is a trusted name that has not only impressed clients from world over, but also carved a niche for its smart and secure policies.
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