Nowadays, there is no dearth of web hosting providers but, it is important to select a reliable web host company to avoid downtime problems. You may be lured by lucrative packages with tall claims like unlimited disk space or unlimited bandwidth but, it advisable not to fall prey for such temptations. It is important to do thorough research while selecting a web host in order to make an informed decision.
To find reliable services that are worth your dollars, go through the websites of all the top-notch web hosting providers and compare their packages. After the comparison, check out their reviews to know the customer satisfaction rate. Online reviews give a fair idea about the services offered by particular web hosting company.
Once you are convinced with website hosting packages offered by the company, it is time to evaluate your particular needs. The first and foremost thing that you must take into consideration is the type of your website. If is it is just a personal website that you have made for posting your own ideas and, it is just meant for family and friends then it is good to go for Free Hosting Services but if it is e-commerce website selling goods or services then server response time is highly important and you must choose reputed commercial web host.
The second thing that you need to look at is the types of services available. Web hosting services are generally categorized under the following heads –shared hosting, collocated hosting, unmanaged dedicated hosting and managed dedicated hosting. It is recommended to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each before making the final decision and, choose the one that that is best suitable for your website hosting.
The third thing that you need to consider is the amount of space required. The amount of disk space required depends on size of the website and the technology and features used in designing it like graphics, audio/video files, flash, frames, etc. You should also consider your future expansion needs before deciding a figure. Although, most of the sites require a few megabytes of space therefore it is recommended not to go for schemes like unlimited disk space which are only a catch to impress the clients and leverage the prices.
The fourth thing on your checklist should be the technical support. Check out the outlines of technical support list provided by the web host and their authenticity by cross examining the details specified, like if the service provider claims to provide customer care for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year then you should check their stuff is working on public holidays and at all hours of the day as things often go wrong at odd hours. Also, check the speed of the response time and the technical knowledge of the stuff who fix the problems. It is advisable to go for a service provider who offers prompt 24/7 toll-free technical support.
The last but not the least is the price or cost. These days, there are many cost effective website hosting packages available with monthly, quarterly and annual payment plans. It is good to go for a monthly plan when you hire a new web host to ensure the reliability and efficiency before you sign up for a long term deal.
To choose the best hosting provider,i followed the steps below and selected the Linux hosting provider named as 9cubehosting.com
ReplyDeleteChoosing best hosting provider tips:
->First search in google or yahoo and get some hosting provider list (atleast 5)
->Compare the provider with one another.
->You need to compare the plan,price,Quality,plan features,customer reviews about the provider,ratings,company existence etc.
->Finally select a best hosting provider.
These factors helps to choose the best provider.Currently i having 3 sites hosted at there.They are providing excellent service and support.