If you happen to be a techie who knows a good deal about website hosting, you will be able to easily make the right choice between what you actually want and what is being offered to you by the hosting service provider. But, if you are a novice and are looking for basic knowledge about this domain, you should, for beginners, learn as much as possible about space and bandwidth – two of the most important and decisive elements of a hosting package.
Web space (also known as disk space) is the amount of data you can store on the hard disk of the web hosting server. Each web hosting client receives a certain amount of space, which is usually between 50 and 1000 MB. The amount of space you need primarily depends on the size of the website you wish to host. Generally, most websites are made of text pages (in HTML), images and graphics (in various formats) or Flash/scripting animation. When it comes to occupying web space, text is a very economical option as it uses very little space. On the other hand, images, heavy graphics, and flash can be more expensive and require a lot of space.
When you get your website designed, make sure you incorporate images and Flash with care, lest they end up occupying substantial disk space, leaving less space for more essential components of the site. Your aim should be to maintain the lightest possible page size, including images. Such light pages not only consume less space, but also load quickly, thereby helping retain user attention. And, if you are able to do so, you will be able to manage quite comfortably with a little hosting space However, if you want to host a website that is laden with heavy graphics or runs an exhaustive ecommerce platform, you should ideally opt for more web space.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that you're allowed to transfer per month through your web hosting server. This data is inclusive of all uploads and downloads, regardless of the protocol used (HTTP, FTP, POP, etc.). When you decide upon your bandwidth requirements, keep two essential things in mind –your average page size as well as the number of visitors your website will have and the average number of pages they visit.
For example, say your website has an average page size of 30 KB, about 20,000 visitors per month and 3 pages per visitor, you will approximately need 1800 MB of bandwidth per month. Almost all web hosting packages that you come across will offer this amount of bandwidth. Of course, your requirement will finally define what you should opt for.
Most clients may not need as much space. Make your own calculations and always keep the door open for account upgrades, in case you feel the need for increased space and/or bandwidth at a later stage.
Buy reliable web hosting packages from Aussie Web Host, the premier website hosting company in Australia. As web hosts, Aussie Web Host’s packages are tailor-made to meet your discerning needs of space and bandwidth.
Bandwidth is one of the important point to consider while searching for good hosting provider,Web Hosting